Looking to enroll in Covered California Health Insurance? Tired of waiting on hold? Don't understand the ObamaCare Health Insurance Exchange? We are Covered California Certified Agents. There is no wait to talk with a live Covered California Certified Agent and we are available 24/7. Please give us a call any time. Some Covered California plans are as low as $1 per month. If you are not able to get through on the first try, fill out the simple form above and your worries are over. Our friendly agents will get back to you in the order the form was received.
CoverMe-Insurance.com provides medical insurance through the Covered California system. We have met the stringent qualifications to be offering Covered California products and to be called Certified Insurance Agents. We provide a wide range of medical insurance to our local clients and those who connect with us across the miles via the internet.
Covered California Health Insurance Exchange begins open enrollment on November 1, 2024. Enrollment will continue until January 31st, 2025. The CoveredCa Website and personnel are extremely busy. If you have had difficulty getting coverage, you have come to the right place. We are accepting phone calls 24/7. Or, if you don't get through on your first try, fill out the above form. Why wait on hold when you could just have us call you?
As you begin your enrollment for Covered California insurance, you will be faced with may new terms and difficult decisions. Below are some of are most frequently asked questions. For a full list see our FAQs page.
Yes. 2024 Open Enrollment has ended but, there are several "Special Enrollment" reason that will still allow you to enroll for 2022.
Open enrollment will start November 1, 2024 and continue through January 31, 2025. If you previously had a Covered California policy you can renew your Covered Ca right now.
Yes. Although the federal penalty has been reduced to $0, the State of California has introduced a new, State penalty, for not having coverage. The penalty is 2.5% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or $695, which ever is more, for each person that does not have coverage.
No. There is not a fee for enrolling. The price of your policy determined by you age, zip code, family size and income. There are NO additional fees. You only pay the premium to the insurance company that you choose.
No. The price of your policy determined by you age, zip code, family size and income. There are NO additional fees. You only pay the premium to the insurance company that you choose.
Covered California is alive and well. It is still providing reduced cost health insurance to over 1 million Californians.
No, Covered California is not your insurance company. CoveredCa is the exchange created so that you can shop for and purchase health insurance from a health insurance company such as Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Health Net or Kaiser.
The exchange in California that you will use to sign up for "ObamaCare" is Covered California. California chose to run its own exchange so in California you will be using a state health insurance exchange vs. a federal health insurance exchange.
No. Covered California is the name given to California's exchange. Covered Ca was created to sell the insurance dictated in the Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare.
The last day for CoveredCa open enrollment is January 31, 2025.
There is a large volume of phone calls flooding the CoveredCa call center. If you call us we always strive to answer the phone the first time or get back to your call in less than 15 minutes.
If you receive a Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement) that you believe is incorrect, it's important to address the issue promptly to ensure that your tax records are accurate. Here's what you can do if your 1095-A is incorrect: 1. Review the Form: Carefully review the information on the Form 1095-A to identify any discrepancies or errors. Ensure that the details, such as the coverage period, premiums, and the names and Social Security numbers of the covered individuals, are accurate. 2. Contact the Marketplace: If you find errors on your 1095-A, contact the Health Insurance Marketplace where you purchased your insurance as soon as possible. The contact information for your Marketplace can be found on their website or in the instructions for the form. 3. Request Corrections: Request that the Marketplace correct the errors on your 1095-A. They can make adjustments to your account and send you an updated form if necessary. 4. File Accurate Taxes: If you've already filed your taxes with an incorrect 1095-A, you may need to file an amended tax return (Form 1040-X) once you receive the corrected form. This is important to avoid any potential issues with the IRS. 5. Keep Documentation: Keep records of all communications with the Marketplace and any documentation related to your health insurance, as you may need this information in case of an audit or dispute. 6. Notify the IRS: If you've already filed your taxes with an incorrect 1095-A and have not received the corrected form in time to amend your return, you should contact the IRS for guidance. They may be able to provide instructions on how to address the issue. It's crucial to resolve any issues with an incorrect 1095-A promptly to avoid potential tax complications and ensure that you receive the appropriate premium tax credits and subsidies. Additionally, it's a good practice to verify the accuracy of your tax documents before filing to avoid any problems during the tax season.
Yes. Covered California has always offered dental and vision coverage to minors. As of the 2016 enrollment year, Covered California will be offering dental coverage, for an additional charge, to adult members. This coverage starts at about $13 depending on age, location, and plan selected.
The last day for 2025 regular open enrollment is January 31, 2025. After January 31, you can only enroll in Covered Ca using special enrollment exemptions.
IRS Form 1095-A, also known as the "Health Insurance Marketplace Statement," is a tax form used in the United States to report information about health insurance coverage obtained through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also know as the Exchange. In California the Exchange is called Covered California. Here is a brief history of Form 1095-A: 1. Introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA): Form 1095-A was introduced as part of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. The ACA, also known as Obamacare, aimed to reform the healthcare system in the United States and increase access to affordable health insurance coverage. 2. Creation of Health Insurance Marketplaces: The ACA established Health Insurance Marketplaces where individuals and families could purchase health insurance plans. These marketplaces were either run by the federal government or by individual states. 3. Need for Form 1095-A: To ensure compliance with the ACA's provisions, individuals who purchased coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace needed a way to verify their coverage and any premium tax credits or subsidies they received. Form 1095-A was designed to serve this purpose. 4. First Use of Form 1095-A: The first tax year for which Form 1095-A was used was 2014. Health insurance providers, including those in the Health Insurance Marketplace, were required to provide this form to individuals who enrolled in their plans through the marketplace. 5. Information Included on Form 1095-A: Form 1095-A includes important information such as the name of the individual or family member covered, the dates of coverage, the monthly premium amount, the amount of any advance premium tax credits received, and other relevant details. Taxpayers use this information to complete their federal income tax returns. 6. Tax Filing Requirement: Individuals who receive Form 1095-A are required to use it when filing their federal income tax returns. It helps calculate the amount of premium tax credits they were eligible for and whether they need to reconcile any differences between the advanced premium tax credits received and the actual premium tax credits they qualify for. 7. Annual Filing: Form 1095-A is typically sent to individuals each year, usually in January or early February, to allow them to complete their tax returns for the previous tax year. Taxpayers attach the form to their tax returns as documentation of their health insurance coverage. 8. Ongoing Changes: The specific details and requirements related to Form 1095-A have evolved over the years as the ACA has been subject to legal challenges, legislative changes, and regulatory updates. Taxpayers are encouraged to consult the most recent IRS guidelines and instructions related to this form when preparing their tax returns. In summary, IRS Form 1095-A was introduced as part of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act to provide individuals and families with documentation of their health insurance coverage obtained through the Health Insurance Marketplace. It plays a crucial role in determining eligibility for premium tax credits and subsidies and helps ensure compliance with the ACA's healthcare coverage requirements.
If you have received IRS Form 1095-A, it means you had health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace at some point during the tax year. Here's what you should do: 1. Review the Form: Carefully review the information on Form 1095-A to ensure its accuracy. Check the names, Social Security numbers, and other details to make sure they match your records. 2. Keep it for your records: Even though you don't need to file Form 1095-A with your tax return, you should keep it for your records as proof of your health insurance coverage. 3. Use the information for your tax return: The information on Form 1095-A will be used to reconcile any premium tax credits (subsidies) you received during the year with the actual premium tax credit you are eligible for based on your income and family size. This reconciliation is done on IRS Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit. 4. File your tax return: You will need to complete IRS Form 8962 and include it with your federal income tax return (usually Form 1040 or 1040A) when you file your taxes. This form helps calculate whether you owe money or are entitled to a refund based on your premium tax credit. 5. Seek assistance if needed: If you have questions or need help with the reconciliation process, consider seeking assistance from a tax professional or using tax preparation software that can guide you through the process. It's important to file your taxes accurately and on time to avoid any penalties or complications. If you have specific questions or concerns about your Form 1095-A or how it affects your tax return, it's advisable to consult a tax professional or contact the IRS for further assistance.